Have You Been Using a Anti-Aging Cleansing Balm? – Wake Up & Glow

Have You Been Using a Anti-Aging Cleansing Balm?

Cleansing balms are a great addition to skincare routines to help melt makeup away all while cleansing your skin of dirt and impurities. Cleansed skin sets up the foundation for your entire skincare routine- if your skin isn’t clean, your skincare routine will not be as effective as it could be!

Unlike a gel or liquid cleanser, a cleansing balm is a solid, oil based cleanser that normally needs scooped out of the jar with either your fingers or a spatula. Once you start massaging the balm into your skin, it will warm up and take on a creamier texture. Like other cleansers you can splash your face with water to clean off, or use a wet washcloth to remove the product.

If you have oily/problem skin and are using a gel cleansers, you may notice it can dry out your skin, or leave your skin feeling tight. You can switch it out for a balm a few nights a week to add oils and moisture to your skin. If you have dry/mature skin, you may want to not only use your cleansing balm as a cleanser but ALSO use your cleansing balm as a moisturizing overnight mask a couple nights per week.

Now that you know a bit more about cleansers, we are sure you are ready to add one into your skincare routine, and that is why we have been working on a cleansing balm for you that is almost ready!!

Of course, since it’s Wake Up & Glow, and we are so passionate about ANTI-AGING, we want all of our products to have active anti-aging properties that will help keep your skin looking fresh and young! Our balm is infused with organic botanical oils, and is also vegan and cruelty free! This new beautiful balm cleanser will work perfectly in conjunction with our Wake Up & Glow anti-aging line up to keep your skin looking and feeling fresh and ULTRA hydrated.

Our new cleansing balm is for all skin types (just like our Wake Up & Cleanse) we suggest you use both at the same time to get double the cleansing, as well as all of the benefits from both products. Especially if you wear make-up and/or have been out and about during the day. If you are on the oily side then we suggest you use Wake Up & Tone immediately following your double cleanse. As always, we love to follow with Wake Up & Glow for an easy, no fuss, yet effective skincare routine!

Keep your eyes out for this product dropping soon!!

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